Welcome to fatherhood!  Becoming a new father likely fills you with a whole range of emotions, from pride, joy, admiration, a strong sense of responsibility… maybe a little panic!    Bottom line:  it’s a life-changing experience!  Ah, but not to worry-...

Mother Judger

This one is for the moms who can't keep their opinions to themselves, the ones who are convinced that they're doing it right. This one is for the moms who shame others in any other way. This one is...
“Good morning my mom! First day of school!” That was the first text I receive from my daughter this morning. Every emotion ran through me. Why didn’t she tell me when her first day was when I asked last week? How...
At the beginning of the year I wrote a post talking about my process for picking a Word of the Year. I like to pick words of the year rather than set New Year's Resolutions. The Word functions as...

Winter In

I save 1 week of vacation each year so I can take off between Christmas and New Years. That is my own winter break! It's also the time I enjoy my tree (and all of the hundreds of decorations...

Football is Family

I haven’t always been a football fan, but by that I mean that I was raised in a traditional Mexican household in which “football” was soccer and the only football that was supported. That all changed in the Fourth...
I have been thinking lately about what it means to be homemaker. I see a lot of videos on TikTok of women scrubbing floors, watering plants, and braiding their children’s hair. I love watching these videos purely for entertainment...
This post was supposed to be about how happy I was to be participating in the Magic Valley Symphony. I played the string bass when I was a teenager, but stopped playing when I left high school. After a...
Women Supporting Women, Professionally! Womanhood, motherhood, and entrepreneurship are all incredibly taxing individually, but many of us are doing all Three and making it look easy! First of all, if this is you, congratulations! You’re doing it! Business ownership is...
There is no loss like the loss of a child. While grief is not quantifiable, I think we can all agree as mothers that losing a child enrolls one into a club she never wanted to join. As a...

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In + Around East Idaho

Befriend the Bats

My family had the chance to do Bat Night at the zoo in Idaho Falls this year, something that we had been looking forward...