A woman folds three piles of clothes; shirts, jeans, and other pants.

I have been thinking lately about what it means to be homemaker. I see a lot of videos on TikTok of women scrubbing floors, watering plants, and braiding their children’s hair. I love watching these videos purely for entertainment and sometimes I am overwhelmed by them.

I’ve found myself asking questions like, “Is it important to my children that I am always caught up on the laundry?” and “Do they care that they only get a home-cooked meal a few times per week?”

As I’ve given it more thought in recent months, I’ve come to the conclusion that homemaking encompasses a variety of things that go beyond whether or not goldfish cracker crumbs are a permanent part of my carpet (they are).

My updated definition of a homemaker is “a person who sets the tone for the home”. For me, this includes the following:

  • Playing fun or pretty music throughout the day
  • Making eye contact when talking to my kids
  • Random “I love you’s”
  • Showing affection to my partner in front of my kids
  • Telling them stories (about family members, future events, or silly made-up stories)

These things aren’t focused on a final outcome. Rather, they are things that I can can incorporate into any day, any hour, any car ride, any long and grueling afternoon, any bedtime routine, any meal time.

Participating in small acts of love and playfulness can make a huge difference for you, the homemaker, and everyone who resides in your home!

What else would you add to the list?
Ashlyn is native to Shelley and now resides in the Bear Lake area. She is the mama to two little boys. She and her husband Dawson own a vacation rental management company in Bear Lake. They are very busy during the summer cleaning rentals and helping travelers have a great trip! Between running a business and wiping bums, she makes time to experiment with sourdough, tag along while her husband golfs, and do simple yoga. She also finds any excuse to bake chocolate chip cookies