Direct Sales Burnout

Anything offering an income AND freedom and flexibility is alluring in this day and age. After all, our generation was raised longing for exactly those things. With the rise of social media, it is no wonder that direct sales...
Motherhood is hard work - no one is going to argue with that. Between the dish washing and the laundry folding and the diaper changing, it can feel like an endless to-do list. It’s so important that we don’t...
I spent the summers of my childhood in Island Park. Though it’s not really an Island nor a park, it's one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I spent many hours on a boat fishing with my dad, visiting...
The home selling market is hot right now! There are many super-serious buyers who need and want to buy quickly which is great for those looking to sell their homes. However, in order to really take advantage, it’s important...

Quinceañeras Tradition

I was born into a Hispanic family and like most Hispanics, we have a lot of traditions. One of those traditions is a Quinceañera. Most Americans know what a Quinceañera is but in case you don’t, I would like...
Six years ago, my three oldest children started Pre-K at the same time. That means I’ve been back to school shopping for multiple kids since the very beginning. Over the years I have learned some tips for how to...
Women Supporting Women, Professionally! Womanhood, motherhood, and entrepreneurship are all incredibly taxing individually, but many of us are doing all Three and making it look easy! First of all, if this is you, congratulations! You’re doing it! Business ownership is...
I am a lover of all things Christmas! Christmas music, movies, lights, decorations, trees, festivals, shopping… I love it all!! And one of the things I loved most as a kid was Santa Claus. It was devastating to learn,...
When I was around six or seven something happened to me that I still can’t fully find the words for. A trusted family took advantage of me multiple times, and though I didn’t understand it at that age, he...
New school years can be challenging for both parents and children. New classroom and school expectations can be exciting, yet intimidating. My oldest found this to be particularly difficult after transferring from a school that had approximately 15 students per...

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In + Around East Idaho

Befriend the Bats

My family had the chance to do Bat Night at the zoo in Idaho Falls this year, something that we had been looking forward...