I have recently become a Chicken Mom. You might be asking yourself, “What is a chicken mom?” Or you’re a fellow Chicken Mom that is obsessed with her ladies. Last year we moved to a home with a backyard in...
I have been thinking lately about what it means to be homemaker. I see a lot of videos on TikTok of women scrubbing floors, watering plants, and braiding their children’s hair. I love watching these videos purely for entertainment...
I married a hoarder. We’d been living together for five years when we got married, so it’s not like I didn’t know what I was getting into. We’ve been together for 18 years now so I’m finally coming to...
Last month I shared several ideas for family meals on a budget. They were a huge hit! (View that post here.) I had so much fun finding delicious and affordable recipes that I decided to share some of my...
Multigenerational households are on the rise.  When I was growing up, it was normal for me to visit my friends and see not only their siblings and parents, but also their grandparents, aunts, and uncles living in their home. For...
I love grilling. It is one of my favorite ways to cook. There are a couple of reasons why. It’s quick. It’s a good way to prepare lean foods. It’s a great way to keep the inside of your...
My husband and I run a cleaning crew for short-term rentals. We are always looking for effective, easy-to-use, durable cleaning products to get the job done.  If you saw my house right now, you wouldn’t believe that I frequently research...
Fall makes me want to bring baking back.  Something about the crisp air, fall colors, the smell of a pumpkin spice candle, and a comfy hoodie make me want to heat up the oven.  And from the number of...
Have you seen those signs in home décor stores that say, “Our Love is Deployment Strong” or “In this house, we do deployments”? I own a sign or two like those. I do not just own those signs because...
Well, winter is setting in and we've finally got something nearly done! Last you heard, we had a deck in the works and that was about it. We had hoped to have things done sooner as we had family...

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In + Around East Idaho

Befriend the Bats

My family had the chance to do Bat Night at the zoo in Idaho Falls this year, something that we had been looking forward...