If you were to sit around chatting with my kids long enough, one of them would inevitably try to embarrass me by telling you about one of my less than perfect moments. “Did you know my mom once threw...

I’m Dreading Winter

It’s the truth. I’m dreading winter, with every fiber of my being. Remember that day it snowed in early October? I started panicking. I mean, we all know that those early snowfalls never stick, but I was truly terrified.  For...
Sure, I kind of stole the title from Rachel Hollis and her awesome book, but I’ve just gotta tell you something that’s been on my mind! I see this almost every time a picture is posted on Facebook or...
I’m just gonna come right out and say it… but before I do, you need to know that I haven’t always been comfortable with what I am about to say. It used to bother me to say it out...

Invisible Grief

This was my third pregnancy. My previous two had been perfectly healthy and I never had a hard time getting pregnant. It was a blessing I may have taken for granted. We had just told our close family members...

Depression is a Jerk

I have so much to say and so little motivation to say it. Things to do, but no energy. My to-do list grows exponentially every day that I neglect it until it becomes so overwhelming that it makes my...
At the end of 2018, I started thinking about New Year’s resolutions for 2019. Instead of choosing to do a list of resolutions, I chose to come up with a word for the year. In 2019, I chose "Fearless"...
For many women, one of the hardest periods in life is postpartum. The changes a mother’s body goes through are astronomical and then she has a small, needy human to keep alive while recovering. In our industrial-based country, we...
I’ve been thinking for months about this post. How to word it, how to face it. For months, I’ve been treading lightly around the idea that I know the reason I didn’t fit in in this community…. It was...

Learning To Breathe

Life is busy. Crazy busy. Not just for me, but for everyone! It seems to have become a badge of honor to be running around rampant and to not ever take a moment to sit still. For some, that may suit...

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In + Around East Idaho

Befriend the Bats

My family had the chance to do Bat Night at the zoo in Idaho Falls this year, something that we had been looking forward...