I am a lover of all things Christmas! Christmas music, movies, lights, decorations, trees, festivals, shopping… I love it all!! And one of the things I loved most as a kid was Santa Claus. It was devastating to learn, at *ahem* 12 years old, the ‘truth’ about Santa. My heart was crushed, and Christmas was never the same again.

When my oldest daughter started questioning me about Santa, I knew I didn’t want her to have the same disappointing experience I had. It had to be different somehow. Christmas still needed to be full of magic and wonder, laughter and innocence. My sweet little girl needed to believe. My husband and I talked about how to keep the magic alive while still helping her realize the reality of what she was asking. Together, we came up with a plan.

Keeping the Magic of Christmas

The plan was simple, and it’s been a great thing for each child to experience as they reach around 10 years of age. That just seems to be the right age for us; old enough to start hearing rumors, but young enough to desire that belief to be present in their own minds.

Sometime toward late November or early December, we take the child out for a fun outing. Maybe Grinch pancakes at IHOP or even just a hot chocolate and a donut at a favorite bakery. We tell them that we need to talk to them about something, and make it sound very important… because it is. We explain that it’s about Santa Claus and who he really is, because to us, Santa is so much more than a jolly old man with a white beard who flies around on Christmas Eve with his eight reindeer delivering presents. So much more!! We tell the child that part is all made up to be fun. It’s something little kids look forward to and find magical. They usually agree and then we explain that the ‘real’ Santa isn’t just one person. He can be anyone! I am of the belief that Santa comes in many forms throughout the holiday season.

Santa Claus Is Everywhere

I remember a few tough financial years for my family. Years when we wondered if Santa would make it or not. But he always did! Those were the years that Santa showed up at our house with gifts (sometimes with a Santa suit, sometimes not), or he left an envelope of cash on our doorstep but left before we could see who he was. He’s left gift cards, clothes, an entire turkey dinner, and coats. Even years when we weren’t struggling were filled with anonymous Santas. He is most definitely real! You will never hear me say that I don’t believe!

As we explain all the ways Santa can be present in our Christmas, we also tell them that THEY are now a part of the magic. They get to participate and help choose gifts for members of our family to be from Santa. We ask them to realize that part of being Santa is not expecting anything in return. Santa gives freely, with no expectation of anything. He only asks us to be good. Suddenly, the child lights up with excitement thinking about how they are going to play that role! It’s so fun to watch.

The Spirit of Giving

We talk to our child and ask who else gives freely with nothing asked in return but to be good. Some have had to think about it a little longer than others, but ultimately, the answer is Jesus Christ. It’s a beautiful conversation. It really is! And I don’t feel bad one bit having Santa bring all the fun and cool gifts while my husband and I give them the boring clothes and shoes. We expect nothing physical in return, but we get a whole lot of joy, laughter, and excitement as we watch the magic unfold before our little ones’ eyes.

We enjoy knowing that Jesus Christ is never taken out of our holidays; he is always there at the heart of our celebrations. We talk about Him, His birth, His life, and all the things that come with that. Santa is a representation of Christ in so many ways, and I love watching my kids become Santa in their own ways. Our conversations really instill a stronger ‘belief’ in him.

The world is full of light and love at this time of year which is why I love it so much! Santa Claus is a major part of that for many of us. People tend to be in their best spirits at Christmas which means Santa is out there spreading joy in many various ways. And that is why in our home, we believe in Santa Claus!

Brooke is a frazzled and busy homeschooling mom to eight kids ranging in age from infant - 16 years. She spends most days as both a chauffeur running kids around to and from their various sports and activities or a referee trying to keep the peace between arguing children. She tries hard to get dinner on the table, but all too often resorts to cereal or free-for-all dinners. You might often find Brooke researching homeschool curricula or nursing the baby. Somewhere in there is a husband who works hard behind the scenes. He doesn’t get the credit he deserves, but he’s happy to sacrifice to make sure each kid is able to do the activity of their choice. Brooke moved to the IF area about 2 years ago from Salt Lake and absolutely LOVES the smaller town life. She doesn’t ever want to leave. Oddly enough, it seems there is more to do here. Brooke loves using and coming up with nicknames, she microwaves her M&M’s, and never misses the opportunity to make a wish, kiss her hand, and quickly tap the roof of the car when driving under a yellow light (it’s now a habit after starting it in junior high).


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