We all know that the struggle of being a Mom is real, but by watching the people closest to me, I have come to the conclusion that there is one position in the family in which someone has to fight harder to be recognized…the Father’s.  You see, as Mothers, we get overwhelmed with the expectation and pressure felt on our shoulders to be perfect, but Fathers are given little to no credit for their importance, so the fight to be recognized and have identity within the family can be profound.  I watched my own Father feel this as he was a single Dad of 4 children and my own husband fighting to make sense of his role, so here is my huge shout out and acknowledgement to all the wonderful Dads who take on a role that no one else can.


You teach our sons to be gentlemen and our daughter to be cherished

In so many shows on TV, we see Fathers being portrayed as bumbling idiots who give their sons the worst advice ever but, in reality, I see my husband teach our boys how to treat the people around them.  I see my sons look up to their Father on how to dress, act, and behave overall. It’s his example of how to live your life and behave towards other people that is irreplaceable for our boys. His relationship with our little girl is unlike any other as well.  Our little girl loves how he plays and gets on her level and how he acts with her is an example of who she needs to look for when the time is right to find her companion in life. Examples of a good relationships don’t always just mean the partnership between 2 people but also the personality of the people in those relationships.

You are a parent not a babysitter

I used to travel a lot for work, and people would always ask who was watching my kids. They seemed shocked or even condescending when I told him my husband was watching them.  They would joke and laugh about if I was worried for their well-being and if I was wondering what they were eating while I was away. I know in the past things might have been different, but in this day and age, if we can acknowledge that women can be important in the workplace, why is it such a struggle to acknowledge that Fathers are important in the home?  When I’m away, I don’t have to have a checklist or schedule for my husband to follow. I don’t have to remind him of the rules or even tell him about our kids personalities.

When my husband watches our children it’s not babysitting; It’s called parenting.

Your Moments and Memories are just as cherished

Here is what some children said about their Father when I told them I was writing an article about Daddies:


From my 7 year old son: “I love going to the skatepark with Daddy and I love his tattoos”

From my 5 year old daughter: “I love my Daddy very much and I can’t wait to spend the whole day with him and I wish he came home very fast.”

From a 4 year old friend: “I love that he is kind”


You see, children are already acknowledging and accepting the value of their Fathers in the simplest and most beautiful way.  They love the time that is spent with them and the memories that they are creating. They crave and want that relationship and they love the memories that are created with them.  I think it’s sad how hard Fathers have to fight to have these relationships or feel any acknowledgment from other adults, but the people who matter most do see it — their children.

Father’s Day is not just a one time holiday, it’s every day.  The role of a Father is irreplaceable and it is just as valuable as the role of a Mother.

My husband is not just my soulmate and partner in life, he is an example to my children, he is a parent, and he is of value. 

Mia is a working mom with 3 kiddos (1 bonus and 2 “ours” babies). With balancing the stresses of work, mom life, and step-mom life, Mia provides a unique and personal perspective to the Idaho Falls Mom’s blog. She is passionate about her family and creating memories that her children will cherish forever! Sometimes, when you’re in the thick of day to day needs, any mom can feel like she is beginning to lose herself and Mia wants to provide every woman a resource she can go to, to realize she is not alone. Feel free to reach out to her on a personal basis or follow her shenanigans on Instagram and Facebook!


  1. Great article! Made me think of my own dad and how he gave me confidence as a kid. I learned a lot of life skills from him.

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