This is the post to read if you want to drop thirty pounds.

…Actually, it’s not.  

But it is the post you want to read if New Year’s resolutions are on your mind.  Consider your resolutions from last year. Pssst, did you plan to lose thirty pounds??  Did you want to stay more organized?  Did you want to cook more homemade meals?  Stop yelling at your kids? Read more? Start a business?

Many props and kudos to you if you accomplished your New Year’s resolutions.  For the rest of us… what happened? It’s easy to make the excuse that “life got in the way.”  Well, I’ve got news for you, sister: life will get in the way next year, too.

Life will get in the way next year, too.

Alright, putting it frankly like that doesn’t sound too motivating.  So, let’s think of it this way: what is it about New Year’s Day that appeals to setting goals?  Why not, say, Tomorrow’s Day? In all honesty, setting a goal for the new year because “it’s tradition” is not monumental.  

You know what will work?  Taking the first step tomorrow, or- even better- now.  You know you should quit drinking soda?  Stop now. Throw your soda away. Wish your house was cleaner?  Go tidy the kitchen. Want to make amends with your sibling? Go apologize!

Envision your best self.  Is she healthier, kinder, more productive?   Given the choice would you choose to be that women five years from now or tomorrow?  Be your best self today!  You don’t have to be perfect to make progress.  If this post gives you an inkling of motivation, then take it and run!  In the famous words of Shia LaBeouf, “Don’t let your dreams be dreams!  Just DO IT!”  Stop waiting for the New Year and make the first step toward being your best self today!

Shelby is an online TESOL instructor and Spanish tutor and enjoys her photography side gig. Born and raised in Idaho, Twin Falls is where she currently resides. Her hobbies include writing, drawing, painting, reading, theatre, and cycling. She is a mother to two tiny boys and a wife to a good-looking mathematician. As a bilingual mama, she does her best to teach two languages to her children, however, she admits to relying on YouTube as well. She dreams of becoming a published author, a voice actor (even if only on the measliest of cartoons), and a small boutique owner someday.