Already this year, I have seen tons of posts on social media about children going back to school and specifically little ones starting Kindergarten.  As a Mom with her only daughter going to Kindergarten this year, I have a huge confession I have to make…

Not one bit of me is sad!

Crazy, I know! So many Moms are posting about how sad they are to see their babies growing up but I’m excited! 

Do you want another confession? I don’t think my mentality makes me a bad mom and if anyone else is out there feeling the same way, YOU ARE NOT A BAD MOM!

Watching my children age, I have moments of being shocked at how big my children have grown.  It seems like just yesterday I was complaining about back aches while pregnant, and now they are riding bikes and talking back.  But in all of the challenges that come with raising children, I don’t ever wish them to stay young!

I can’t wait for them to discover more of who they are.

I can’t wait to be the loudest parent at high school graduation and I can’t wait to throw a party when they move out (long ways away, I know, but I can still plan right?).  You see, I don’t want to be the parent that holds them back because of my needs. I personally feel like it is my duty not to just raise people, but to raise society-ready people. That means being ok with milestones, and pushing my children to do and be more. It means that come that first day of Kindergarten, I am going to walk my daughter in the school with a smile on my face and tell her how she is going to have an awesome day!  While I walk away and get in my car, there are going to be no tears shed or worries on my part, because I know she is beyond ready and this is just going to be another grand adventure for her. 

So to all my other fellow parents out there who don’t feel like crying over your children’s big milestones, don’t feel bad.  Enjoy the fact that you feel that your children are so prepared. If you are a parent that is feeling emotional or scared, it’s ok too!  It’s ok to be sad that your children are growing up and that time feels like it’s slipping away! Not everyone is going to have the same emotional level on that first day of school and that doesn’t just apply to the children. 

That’s part of the beauty of being human: we are all 100% different and unique. 

Wishing everyone the best on their first days of school, whether that is Kindergarten or Senior year!  Time does fly, but this is what parenting is all about!


Mia is a working mom with 3 kiddos (1 bonus and 2 “ours” babies). With balancing the stresses of work, mom life, and step-mom life, Mia provides a unique and personal perspective to the Idaho Falls Mom’s blog. She is passionate about her family and creating memories that her children will cherish forever! Sometimes, when you’re in the thick of day to day needs, any mom can feel like she is beginning to lose herself and Mia wants to provide every woman a resource she can go to, to realize she is not alone. Feel free to reach out to her on a personal basis or follow her shenanigans on Instagram and Facebook!