It will pass.

I’m in the thick of it, like you. Two boys—4 and 18 months—and it often feels like I’m in survival mode. And so it’s no surprise I found myself crying as I watched a video about motherhood on Instagram. I was already feeling so many emotions because, well, it had been a rough day. 

Her advice was something we hear all the time. She had been struggling with the weight of motherhood too and wanted to help other moms who were struggling. This time it really struck me.


But not just in the typical “enjoy it because it’s going to go by super fast” way. We all get that unsolicited advice from the older people at the grocery store while our toddler is throwing a tantrum. This advice was way better.

If it’s really hard, just know it’s going to get better. It will pass! When you think you hate this stage of life, it will eventually be over. And boy, have I clung to that lately!

We’ve most likely all been a bit triggered by the audio on some Instagram reels lately about how we only have little kids for 4 years. It makes us sad that it’s so short and also a bit upset by the fact that we need to just enjoy it because we will never get it back. I’m trying to enjoy it, but I know it’s going to pass. I know that I will have fond memories of this time, but I’m also probably going to look back in the same way my mom does and say that I would never go back to that. 

Having young children is hard. Yes, there are good parts. Like when your son gives you a big hug and says, “I yuv you mom!” or watching them learn how to walk and discover the new world around them. But man, it is physically and emotionally demanding.

And I know that it’s not necessarily going to be easier as they grow. It will become hard in different ways. But I’ll take on the next challenges with my knowledge of passing time.

The other side of this advice is that if it’s really good, know that it passes so soak it up! Motherhood is hard, stressful, beautiful, draining, demanding, and so, so worth it! I have to remind myself of that a lot lately. I’m making this my mantra now. And I’ll be using it for both the good and bad:

It all passes.

Kayla Ward
Kayla has lived in Southeast Idaho all her life, growing up in Shelley, going to school in Rexburg, and now living in Idaho Falls. She is married and mom to a sweet little boy. She has a degree in child development and loves working with children, but especially loves being home with her own child. She loves spending time reading, running, sewing, and laughing. Her family loves spending their summers in the mountains camping and going on rides in their side by side. Ever since having her little boy she is in love with talking about birth and motherhood and loves hearing other women's stories.