It happened, breast milk swirling down the sink as if waving goodbye to my horror stricken face. 4 months postpartum and I still hadn’t gotten the hang of pumping in the bathroom at work. Not only had pumping been a trial on its own, my milk supply was struggling. I was barely getting the amount my daughter needed each feeding. Keeping up with her appetite had become nearly impossible. Fifteen minutes I sat on the toilet seat pumping and eating a snack before I had to rush back into the workflow only to have all of it disappear within seconds. I felt like screaming in frustration! 

Pumping moms have all experienced that moment when crying over spilled milk is completely justified. The struggle is real and yet we all sit in the confines of our pumping space and cry it out, alone. How can we possibly pump enough milk for our babies when things like that happen? I felt like a milk cow constantly hooked up to a machine pumping out as much milk as possible. The average woman spends about 1800 hours a year breastfeeding/pumping, a full time job with three weeks vacation is 1960 hours a year. That’s insane! 

How to enjoy your second job

Many moms know the struggles of pumping in an awkward place at work, hoping that your “quiet” pump won’t be too noticeable. We also know that a lot of the time it can be very uncomfortable physically. We are told to breastfeed our babies for at least a year but pumping is such a burden for the working mom. So how can we make it easier? I went on a search for every suggestion and tried them out. Here is what I found to be the most manageable. 


Hands free pumping bras are life

If I had known what pumping at work was going to be like, I would have bought 100 of these. It has seriously been a lifesaver being able to pump and eat at the same time. Before, I would sit with my knees holding the bottles against my breasts and try to get the positioning just right so I could finish my sandwich. Well no more! I am here to say, buy it. Buy that hands free pumping bra. It will be worth it and save you from accidental spills. 

Snacks, Snacks, Snacks

I am all about food. It’s on my mind constantly. Having a good snack to much on while you pump can make all the difference. I would stock up on some yummy granola bars (sunbelt coconut cream pie bars are my favorite) or a favorite candy bar then wait with excitement for my pumping break. It made sitting in that bathroom amidst the cleaning supplies worth it. So grab your favorite snack and put it in your pump bag. 

Mommyhiemers is real 

I didn’t realize how forgetful motherhood could make you until I forgot the tubes to my pump at home. What I learned: always have spare parts either stashed in your car or at work. Even better, keep a small hand pump at work just in case you forget something essential. It will save you a lot of heartache and uncomfortable moments if you plan ahead. 

Pictures of your babies

I thought this was a crazy suggestion but having a picture of your baby to look at can help trigger your let down. I tried it and found that in the beginning, when I was training my body to pump, it really helped. I would pull out my phone and flip through pictures and sure enough the milk came just a little faster. I eventually got to the point where my body knew what to do but, for the first little bit, this helped a lot. Plus, who doesn’t love looking at their baby? 

Bring entertainment

When I finally switched to no-hands pumping, it opened up a whole world of possibilities. I was able to eat, but not only that, I could hold a book to read. It was wonderful to just sit and enjoy the book since I didn’t have a lot of time regularly to read. Not only that, but if I forgot my book, I pulled up something to watch on my phone. Whatever you enjoy, bring it! Yes, someone might hear the voices of your tv show through the door, but who cares, you are making milk! 

Do what is best for you and your baby

If you are seriously struggling with pumping and maintaining your supply while working, it’s ok. It is ok to quit. The mantra of breast is best only holds true if you and your baby are healthy. If you are stressed and not making enough, then your baby could suffer. Never feel guilt over switching to formula if it means giving your baby the nutrients they need and easing your stress. Your baby maybe getting “liquid gold” from you but, if you are overly stressed, you and your baby will suffer. You do what is best for you and your baby. 

If you have some more pumping at work hacks please share in the comments! We could use all the tricks!


Kayla Maddox
Kayla is an East Idaho Native that loves it so much she dragged her Montana born husband back here to raise their two kids. Kayla is passionate about fitness and beauty. As a cosmetologist and pre/postnatal fitness trainer she loves helping moms feel as beautiful as they are. She loves to hear everyone’s parenting stories and thinks parenthood is one of the best/hardest adventures we choose to go on.