As much as I dreaded “the talk” growing up, I fear it far more now as a parent.

Am I well enough equipped to explain the intricacies of life to my kids?

How does one go about explaining the birds and the bees to their children?

I could avoid the subject altogether, or I could make it an ongoing conversation and adjust it to fit maturity at all of life’s stages, starting at a young age.  One incredible way to start this conversation young (I’m talking real young, folks – it’s good to give accurate information before they hear confusing or conflicting things from friends or entertainment) is through books. I know starting super young may seem unnecessary, but familiarizing your child with their body very young can help them establish boundaries and protect themselves in the long run. I’ve compiled a list of books, basic enough for a child to understand without overwhelming you or your kids.

Books about our anatomy ::

Who Has What: All about girl’s bodies and boys bodies

This book is a favorite of mine. It’s a basic overview of anatomy all the way from the nose to the toes, and covers all the parts in between and uses the biological names for each part.

It’s Not a Stork

This book is a bit more advanced and detailed than the first. Not only does it cover basic anatomy but also maturation as well as covering conception all the way to birth.

Books about boundaries ::

My Underpants Rule

This book is awesome! It opens the door for conversations about appropriate interactions, and what to do in the event of sticky conversation. The book asks questions like “What would you say if an older person asked to see your underpants?” allowing you as a parent to help your child come up with responses and be ready in case they’re ever in a bad situation.

No Means No

An excellent resource for teaching body autonomy and helping your kiddos understand they are in control of their bodies. No Means No is an excellent way to teach them to put their foot down and be authoritative if they are ever put in a tight spot

Books with great lessons ::

Do You Have a Secret

In this book your child will learn the difference between a good secret and a bad secret, and what to do if they’ve got a secret that may be harmful to him or her.

Explaining all the details of life can be a hard and sometimes uncomfortable subject to approach. Each family has to examine their beliefs and decide how they want to go about “the talk”. Books like these can be a nice way to open the box and pave a way to healthy and honest conversation.


Tiffany is mama to a sweet little girl and is blessed to stay home and love on her! Tiffany’s little girl is a trooper and incredibly patient with her as she tries to figure out this “mom business”. She and her husband were both raised here in SE Idaho and love being surrounded by all this beauty! They love spending weekends enjoying nature on long drives or parked on the couch watching movies. She loves spending time in the kitchen trying out new recipes and perfecting old ones. Food is her passion, and while she enjoys trying new things, her true love will always be street tacos.