I can name all of the Backstreet Boys. I remember when Hot Topic was a bit taboo. Most scary is that the clothes I envied on other girls in middle school are now trendy again. This means 2 things: #1 I’m officially in my mid-thirties AND #2 my skin is starting to show it. While I still feel like a spring chicken most days, my skin (and joints) are definitely starting to indicate that I am aging much more quickly physically than I’d like.

I knew it was time to really step up my skincare game and I’m grateful I have the help of local professionals who can help me do just that.

One of my favorite estheticians (yes, I see a couple) is Braily at Massage Envy in Ammon. I recently went in for a nourishing light treatment and am now conflicted monthly if I should use my credits for massage or facials!

During the nourishing light treatment, the goal was to target fine lines, wrinkles, and skin dullness for an overall improved skin condition! We initially had a consultation to determine if my at-home skin care was adequate for my goals (it was!) and to find out what I was hoping to gain from my visit. Following our conversation, I disrobed from the waist up (I kept my bralette on) and climbed under the sheet on the table.

After a double cleanse with hot towels and a CYme cooling gel application, it was time for the crazy-looking light! I’m not going to lie, the light was super intimidating, but once it was hovering over my face, it felt warm and comforting. My eyes were covered and protected, so it was time to just lay back and relax. During this time, I talked to Braily about the benefits of the light and learned that there are many advantages to different colors of lights penetrating the skin! Historically, red lights have been used to grow plants and the skin can absorb similarly to encourage cell regeneration! After 15-20 minutes under the light, we wrapped up with cooling ice globes and a mask to brighten and replenish my skin. Truthfully, the globes were absolutely life-changing and I already can’t wait to go back (even if it means forfeiting massage time!)

I simply can’t understand why more people aren’t obsessed with their facial skincare!

As women, we spend money on our hair, clothes, nails, and toes, but we often forget our freaking FACE SKIN! Why is that!? We can replace almost everything else on our body, but we don’t get a do-over on our face. Botox and fillers and makeup can only do so much if the quality of your skin is compromised and with the whole world out to get your skin, think wind, pollutants, dirt, UV rays, etc., it isn’t hard to believe that putting your best face forward can take some careful consideration! The good news is that the skincare industry is saturated with excellent products at several budgets and we have professionals at our disposal to answer your skin questions at Massage Envy!

I’m excited to break down my personal top 5 must-have beauty products and hope you’ll research products within your budget for your own skincare! 

  1. Cleanser! Cleansing is SO important for your skin! I used to skip cleansing because I don’t wear much makeup. So I couldn’t understand why it was necessary. On days I did wear makeup, I would either wipe it off with a makeup wipe (eww) or I would sometimes even sleep in it (Extra Eww!) Cleansing your skin is important because it removes dirt, makeup, and impurities that can be preventing your skin from breathing and can lead to overgrowth of bacteria. Find a cleanser that is well-suited to your skin goals and make sure to rinse it off completely. Cleanse AM and PM as your skin can pick up bacteria from your pillowcase and bedding and can also secrete sweat and sebum overnight! Starting with a clean canvas is a great way to ensure product absorption! 
  2. Toner. Toner is probably my favorite step! It grosses me out a little bit to see the residue that comes off on the cotton round after cleansing, but it generally leaves my skin feeling fresh and clean! Because it restores the skin’s pH after cleansing, it really is a necessary step! Toners come in many different varieties with different benefits include pore-reduction, purification properties, and some even have humectants to moisturize the skin! 
  3. Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic acid sounds scary, but is produced naturally in the body to bind to water to help attract and retain moisture, protect collagen, and provide lubrication and flexibility to the skin and joints. Those definitely sound like things we need in our skin, no? HA can be found in serums, creams, and many other products! Because I’m condensing this information, I’ll leave it at that, but I definitely recommend it for your daily skin care! 
  4. Moisturizer. Fortunately, most people who even think about their skincare think about moisturizing. This is a key step to ensuring your skin can retain all of the goodness you’ve smeared on if you’ve followed the above steps. Using the right moisturizer for your skin helps it to maintain its balance. Not moisturizing can lead to not only dry skin, but also oily skin!
  5. Sunscreen. Last but not least is the step often overlooked by even skincare fanatics: SUNSCREEN! Many people feel that they only need sunscreen when going out in the sun intentionally, but chances are you are feeling the effects of the sun’s radiation daily even if it’s overcast or indoors. In fact, up to 80% of UV radiation can still penetrate your skin on cloudy days. UVA radiation can even pass through window glass, so the best protection you have on a daily basis is to smear it on. There are so many incredible options on the market including mattifying, tinted, and many other options that have come a looonnngggg way from the cakey white sunscreens from our childhood! 

Whether you’re new or experienced in skin care, I truly believe these 5 products should be in your arsenal! You can even visit Braily at Massage Envy yourself for an introductory-priced customized facial and leave with solid product recommendations for your skin! Once you’ve mastered the basic routine and have identified what your skin likes and needs, you can start adding specialty serums, eye creams, masks, vitamin c, and other specialty items! Don’t get caught up on buying every trending product and everything you think you might need as it’s a quick way to spend a ton of money (ask me how I know!) Every baby step is one step closer to healing and repairing the damage we’ve done to our skin throughout our years. One day, we’ll be singing the classics like “Backstreet’s Back” and “Genie In a Bottle” while glowing from the inside out with skin to match!

For more information or personalized recommendations, contact Massage Envy at (208)522-0877.

GiGi is an empowerer of women and obsessed with reading. She has five perfect little snack-obsessed kiddos. They are a busy blended family and the kids run wild 50% of the time and have strict rules the other 50% because – balance. She has lived in East Idaho since 2011 and enjoys taking her kids to the park, the pool, the zoo, or playing Pokemon GO on the Greenbelt! GiGi loves to travel and experience different cultures and enjoys getting to know new people and hearing their stories. She needs to sleep 8 hours nightly and has to have alone time to recharge. It's important to know she’s addicted to the plant juice (essential oils), crystals, green tea, plants, and online shopping with fast shipping.