I have always loved the first snow, it’s magical. My kids and I make hot chocolate, and listen to music, and cut out snow flakes to place on our sliding glass door.

But by about mid- January I have usually started wanting to pull my hair out.

The boots and the snow clothes my floor being a giant mud puddle, and the never going outside really gets to me. Some might call it seasonal depression; some may call it a vitamin D deficiency. I just call it the worst.

So, a few years ago I looked up ways to train my brain to like winter. 

The only one that has stuck is to make something special out of each snow fall to trick my brain into looking forward to it. (Does it work? Kind of. But it’s a great excuse to drink hot chocolate so who cares). I started buying my all-time favorite hot chocolate in the biggest tin I could find (it’s Stephen’s Hazelnut Hot Chocolate, by the way, and it is to die for).

Each time it would snow, I’d pull that bad boy out of my pantry and get a mug full. I make sure to have mini marshmallows or homemade whipped cream on hand for especially dreary days… or Tuesdays (the Alton Brown Whipped Cream Recipe is the best one, you can just Google it. SO easy and delicious).

So, here’s to some mid-snow sanity from my pantry to yours because as the song goes… It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas…. And it’s only mid- November.