The Idaho Falls Moms Blog is excited to feature the Judicial District VII CASA Program, Inc. as our 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization for June 2020. Eastern Idaho is fortunate to have a wealth of nonprofit and service organizations. By highlighting some of these groups, we hope to encourage moms and families to get involved and learn about all that our wonderful community has to offer.
The Judicial District VII CASA Program, Inc. has served Bingham, Bonneville, Butte, Clark, Custer, Fremont, Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, and Teton counties since 1991. It provides Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) to children who become wards of the court due to physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, or neglect at the hands of those responsible for them. A CASA is a representative appointed by the judge as the “eyes and ears of the child” in court for the entirety of the case, ensuring the child the right to a “safe, permanent home” in a “sensitive and expedient manner.” The CASA investigates the facts of the child’s situation and reports their findings to the court. The CASA is there to “facilitate and enhance the whole Court procedure,” rather than to replace the Social Worker or other court members on the case.
Anyone who has the best interest of children in mind can be a CASA Volunteer. It is important for a CASA Volunteer to have the maturity to deal with complex emotional situations, to possess the ability to make sound decisions, and to remain objective and nonjudgmental. CASA Volunteers should have a good rapport with children, excellent communication skills, and an interest in the welfare of children. Applicants who wish to volunteer are screened and fingerprinted for the safety of the children.
Events such as Idaho Gives, The Duck Race through food and craft vendors, and a Casino Night fundraiser are often used to raise funds for the Judicial District VII CASA Program, Inc. However, many fundraising plans have changed due to COVID-19 so donations are also welcome. Donations can be made through the Judicial District VII CASA Program, Inc. website, or by check at the office.
For more information regarding the Judicial District VII CASA Program, Inc., please visit or contact Kimberly Murphy, Volunteer Coordinator, via email at or by phone at 208-523-6525. You can also follow Judicial District VII CASA Program, Inc. on Facebook at or on Instagram at “casa7ofidaho.”
“A child with a CASA Volunteer is more likely to find a safe, permanent home; more likely to be adopted; half as likely to re-enter foster care; substantially less likely to spend time in long term foster care; more likely to have a plan for permanency.”
Please contact the Judicial District VII CASA Program, Inc. office if you are interested in learning more about becoming a CASA Volunteer!