East Idaho Moms is excited to feature the Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce as our nonprofit for November 2021. Eastern Idaho is fortunate to have a wealth of nonprofit and service organizations. By highlighting some of these groups, we hope to encourage moms and families to get involved and learn about all that our wonderful community has to offer.

Established as an Idaho nonprofit on August 24th, 2020, The Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce launched its Operation Collaboration Task Force in December of 2020, forming working groups of their navigation services that bring advocacy for both military and civilian communities. Their mission is to “create wrap-around services and a navigation network hub for veterans, military serving, and their families to provide community resources for Education, Housing for Heroes, Vet-preneur, Workforce Transition, Family and Wellness services.” Their vision is to “bridge the gap by building strong sustainable partnerships deeply rooted within the civilian and military communities through collaboration and connection” by “building and maintaining partnerships and relationships with businesses, agencies, associations, organizations, and nonprofits.” The Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce does this by providing pathways for veterans, military serving, and their families to find the right resources, make connections, and find opportunities to support each other. In the next six months, the organization will be launching a community outreach travel tour where they will partner with agencies throughout Idaho, such as Buy Idaho, FARE Idaho, Veteran Entrepreneur Alliance, and Idaho Women’s Business Center.  Idaho Falls is a spot on this tour for October/November.  

General information about the Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce can be found on the web at www.idahoveterans.org, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/idahoveteranschamberofcommerce, on Instagram at instagram.com/idahoveteranschamber, and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/idaho-veterans-chamber-of-commerce.  

Direct contact can be made with Mindi Anderson, Executive Director, by email at Mindi@idahoveterans.org or Admin@idahoveterans.org, or by phone at  (208) 917-9977.

Marissa is a happily married mama to two beautiful children (ages 3 and 9). She is a Speech Language Pathologist who fits a private Speech and Language practice in the mix of caring for kids, spending time with friends and family, hiking, volunteering, and items from a wonderful list that never seems to end.