What are you reading this month?

Need some ideas? Here are some ideas for what you might want to read next.


The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

by Malcolm Gladwell

This best selling author explores how ideas and trends spread.  This book highlights the moments in which an idea or product spread like wildfire and what that means for spreading ideas in our world.


This month we wanted to also highlight some local authors for you to check out.

A Monster Like Me

by Wendy Swore

Sophie is a monster expert.  As an expert, she has determined that certain people in her life must be fairies, and good witches and more.  But soon she determines she must be a monster herself. This is a great read for school-age kids and shows the power in believing in yourself and accepting change.


The Tales of Draco, Rise of the Dragons

by Jordan Jolley

Magic spells and creatures of legend are only the beginning of a new way of life for Jacob and his closest friends as they learn the secrets of their past.


Bigfoot Still Lives in Idaho 

by Becky Cook

It’s late at night and you are sitting around a campfire when someone starts telling yet another Bigfoot story. You ask yourself – ‘are they really real?’ Read the books about numerous stories and tales and decide for yourself.


Still needs ideas for reading:

  • A book you own yet haven’t read
  • A book set in a country you’ve never been to
  • A famous author’s first novel
Laurel has lived in Idaho for the majority of her life, born and raised in Teton Valley. She lived in Utah for 5 years, and found it to be a good experience but being near family is more important. She has been married to her high school sweetheart for 32 years. Spent too many years searching for answers to infertility. She is a proud adoptive momma to only girl who just turned 18. Working mom, and network marketing mom, photographer, savvy shopper, gardener and working on her healthy journey. She lives in the country with dogs, cats, chickens, and cows.