With 3 kids between the ages of 8-16, it isn’t always easy to find something that interests all of them. Arts and crafts are usually something they will all participate with however, which is great because I love getting creative with my kids. When they were all younger and didn’t have their own schedules (sigh…I miss those days!), we used to have more time to do arts and crafts but these days, our time together is limited. Our school district has early release Wednesdays though and since it’s my day off; we try to fit in an art, craft, or science project after school. Last week, we did some fall art including this leaf print project. I love having a basic idea and seeing how unique each of my children’s masterpieces are. It’s the perfect time of year to gather leaves and enjoy the fall foliage! We used ones from our own yard but you could ask neighbors or get some that have fallen off trees at your nearest park. You don’t want them to be too dried out however. I wanted to share so you too can gather some leaves, paints, and your kiddos and get creative!

Supplies needed:

  • Leaves

  • Acrylic paint

  • Paintbrushes (Foam ones work great!)

  • Dropcloth (I like to use a plastic tablecloth I keep for projects like this.)

  • Cardstock

  • Old T-shirt or paint clothes

  • Paper plate 

Cover table and set out supplies needed. Have everyone choose the paint colors they would like and squeeze a small amount of each color onto plate. Paint onto leaves with brushes, coating evenly.  Press leaves, painted side down onto card stock, making sure to push on each part of leaf. Lift off leaf and repeat with other leaves until you get your desired result. Allow artwork to dry and hang in your home gallery! 

Tip: This project could easily be turned into a learning opportunity by discussing types of leaves, parts of a tree, mixing paint colors, and/or the changing of seasons. 

Edee is a wife and proud mother of 3. She has lived in Southeast Idaho her whole life and loves raising her children here. She works at a local school as a paraprofessional and dreams of publishing a book someday! She loves being a soccer mom and supporting her kids in their activities. She enjoys cooking and baking, writing, the mountains and the beach, organizing and writing lists she hopes to check off , and spending time with her family!